Sunday, January 15, 2012

A dream winter – and beyond

Chennai was the place to be to welcome the near year 2012; mercury hit below 20 degree Celsius during evenings and walking in the breeze brought back all good memories from the past. People seemed more stress-free. Even in traffic no one seemed tensed; everyone was so relaxed and in fact they took some time to admire the place around. It won’t be an exaggeration if one said it was a dream winter that we were breathing here. Chennai was so tender and comforting.

Thane, as she was called was born in the Bay of Bengal around this time; and may be, being all alone made her furious and she turned devastating. Though not as deadly as her predecessors who have travelled to the coast of Chennai, she had some plans in her mind which would not go along with the romance in the Chennai wintry weather.

Thane came, though not directly to Chennai, she did all she could to unsettle the calm Chennai winds. Chennai looked gloomy and she started snuffling, maybe she did not want to let go away the good times so easily. When the next sunrays hit, Chennai was not as nice, she became hot and humid and it started to show on the people. They did not seem calm as before, admiring the world around seemed like a distant happening; rather they started yelling at each other in traffic blocks and were showing their protest against the climate; the damage was done.

Everyone was cursing Chennai for being hot during winter. But is she really to be blamed? When she was being nice, she was not allowed to be. I have no complaints with Chennai heat. Rather I want to thank Chennai for showing me her kind side with cool breeze and foggy mornings which I thought I could never see here. My dear Chennai, you were being nice, but you were not allowed to be any more, and now I understand you and I am with you even if the whole world is coming hard at you.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Leap Letter

Everything reminds me of you................and we don't even know each other.............but we know each other for years...........funny it sounds....................ain't it? i really donno if it wuld be appropriate if i use the word 'destiny' here.............coz i believe at sm point in my life that word has made me meet u....................and i do believe that if we have to live our destiny, we need to let it happen...............which ultimately we does.............with or without our intention................................but if its the way it goes like u want ur destiny to go the way u like deep inside ur heart, and then u think...... let ur destiny take it there if ur to reach there..............well wuld it really work???? i donno for some point in time u shud leap forward i believe.............and im doing my part...............if this is to be my destiny and im not leapin forward........ im not gonna let it happen....................well its nothing much..........its jus tht i wanna let u knw tht i really feel a vacant space next to me everytime im in good mood or bad mood or happy or sad or enjoyin or not..............but the vacant space feels like someone...........some one i donno and at the same time some one i know a lot.................and i dont really find a point in keepin on my stupid search for my special one.......................but then the word 'destiny' is to be reached...............and then just a leap might not get you there and tht may be the reason it is called 'destiny'.................and in any way it comes......... im gonna give it a bear hug and let it take me...................

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Best Friend

And this day also passed so fast. It seemed like i could barely find some time to even think about washing my piled-up dress mountain. Even though its just another excuse for not washing my clothes, time is rushing.............and in this rush of time what i learned is that i need to rediscover be who i am......well its not any difficult process which needs any skills i think....if you have a very good friend around he/she will be there for you to tell you what you are worth.....which will help you to be you......well i was not so lucky to have my best friends around be there..........but then i found a very interesting option.......i just found a very good friend in tell me what i am worth and to show me the be me............and i understand that i would need this "me" to be with me so that i can keep rediscovering this life is a long one........

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chankaran's Thoughts

I met a man 28 years ago, i don't really remember the exact date or time as i was too young to remember it.....he was my grand father.........the impressions that he caused in my life was such that no one was able to surpass that or even able to reach there.....

Now he is not with me, not even in the world we believe exists....he has carried on his voyage into our unknown.......he used to call me "Chankaran" a name he loved and the love with which he wuld call me, i jus loved it so much......every time he wuld bless me it was like a rain of wishes and it was all deep from his when i am able to live a better life i know its also the result of his good doings to a great extend........i owe him so afraid if id be able to repay it in any form at any time.......

It has been a year since he has left.....but i always have the teachings of someone to look upto for my entire life...............whose life was a class full of practices and less of lectures.........

Monday, October 22, 2007

In the company of clouds

I never thot tht i wuld have such a close life with the clouds for i haf only seen them up in the sky.....nd now wen they r so close im gettin to knw more about them......nw here any time they will come on to me and thn will give me a tite hug which is so warm(or cold???).........i always loved rain nd now im in the land of "the mother of rain" nd it feels so nice lite calm was a much needed change in my life which this clouds r giving me.........taking me on their lap nd soothing me with their life......Clouds r always taken as a gloomy thing by most but nw i understand clouds better for now i haf a very good company with i dont want to leave their company coz i know it wuld b lik hell to live without them once ur with them.......

Thursday, June 28, 2007

this too shall pass

when ever ther is a problem there will be a solution.....says the wise and the experienced......hmmm i too agree.....but nw wen the time itself is not tht good and wot ever you do ends up in problems i think one needs to hold it a lil bit and wait for a while jus to get control of the situation and lettin it not to go too wot do u do then???? wen nothing works jus sit back....relax a bit and jus smile at the problem......see in wot kind f a funny position has the problem put u into......jus look from outside how much haf the problem changed u....thn smtimes u mite get the solution also.....anyway y am i sayin all these??? hmm........its jus to get a lil bit f comfort.....jus to make a feelin tht "this too shall pass".................nothing is static......this too shall pass.......

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

feels like heaven..........

If a small walk has made any difference....if a lunch together has made anyone feel better i feel very satisfied for i was able to bring a smile on that face....for that face looks beautiful when smiles.....and when tht person smiles coz i made her smile....i feel lik heaven......

the relatonship is not defined and wont be defined anymore as the time is up......for it is time for her to go and before she goes if i woz able to make her smile....i feels lik heaven.....

there wer times when she avioided me jus coz f tht i woz such a nuisance for her.....but thn when she needed sm1 and i woz ther and when she appreciated me for bein there for her......i feels lik heaven.....

and now for the words i wrote here jus coz f her......... in a way tht i never wrote.........i feels good....i feels lik heaven......